Sunday, February 24, 2008

How to Get Involved

For tax-deductable donations, checks may be made out to the Hopkinton Independent School, with the description line noted: "Peru Reconstruction Project" and mailed to:

Hopkinton Independent School, 20 Beech Hill Rd, Contoocook, NH 03229
Any donors contributing $50 or above will be acknowledged in the Construction Manual as Contributors, $500 or above as Underwriters.
We are fortunate to have a collaborator in this project: The Hopkinton Independent School. Our friend Marek Bennett, a teacher at the Independent School, is working at developing an exchange relationship with a Chincha neighborhood Children’s Center (headed by Mayten Sanchez, who is mentioned in our Project Background). Our special thanks go to Cathy Chesley, the Independent School's founder, for her support of this project.
Hopkinton Independent School's mission speaks to educating children to be world citizens devoted to community service. Because of the school's exchange with the Chincha neighborhood Community Center, the school will serve as a fiscal agent for the reconstruction project. The school is a 501-c-3 non profit. All donations made to the Chincha Earthquake Reconstruction Project are tax-deductable.... 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the project!

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